Sunday, 3 July 2011

Early morning swarm

St. Anne's Well Gardens, Hove

"Swarm behaviour, or swarming, is a collective behaviour exhibited by animals of similar size which aggregate together, perhaps milling about the same spot or perhaps moving en masse." (Wikipedia)
Stitchtags are swarming this summer.
Many of us swarm towards the latest trends in fashion.
The life cycle of fashion starts with seasonal collections.  We only see butterflies in the warmer months.
Fashion can be fleeting, like a butterfly some clothes and trends only last for a few days, some might survive a few months.
The old clothes used in swarm are undergoing a metamorphosis; finding a new life as seasonal, swarming butterflies.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Stitchtagger returns

I will soon be starting a new "thread" of work titled "Swarm". 

Watch this space.  And that one and that one over there and that little corner...

Thursday, 3 March 2011

telling ties

From left to right: listen at you talkin all lahdidah, loppy bugger, flibberty gibbet
Telling Tales exhibition (3-15 March), Greenstede Gallery, Chequer Mead Arts Centre, East Grinstead

shu' thi cayke oyl

Chequer Mead Arts Centre café, East Grinstead

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Top of muesli mountain at the junction of Albion Hill and Queen's Park Road, outside the Walmer Castle pub, Hanover, Brighton

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Sunday, 6 February 2011

you bobby dazzler

This current series of stitchtags is titled "Common Threads" and began with me thinking about inheritances and the things that get passed down through families; heirlooms, antiques, property, money.
When my grandparents died they had nothing like this to pass on. However, I was very close to them and knew a lot about them, their habits, their loves and hates, shared memories and their Yorkshire language and sayings. I wanted to create my own heirlooms from this shared history and pass it on.
St. Ann's Well Gardens (playground), Hove